EliteMeetsBeauty member profiles are visible to everyone for free. The photo gallery appears on top – yet take note as every uploaded photo is approved by site moderators. Absolutely no nudity and offensive photos allowed.
Below the photo gallery is the profile information that members can choose to fill out or not. Details about appearance, background and lifestyle, personality, and about the person you are seeking are right below the gallery. There is also a section where you can write a short biography and what you're looking for in the site.
Should you or any member decide not to fill out some of the profile information, an 'Ask' button appears in every profile. The Ask button will prompt a message that a member requested for that information.
Profile Verification
EliteMeetsBeauty promotes and encourages members to have their profiles validated and verified for genuiness. This is to lessen the number of fake profiles and scammers who lurk in the site. If you choose to have your profile validated, you need to verify it through SMS and Google. EliteMeetsBeauty sends you a unique code on your number which you have to input in the verification page, plus verify that your Google account is truly yours by doing the same thing. If the verification is successful, EliteMeetsBeauty rewards you with 150 free credits.